Art in the Gardens: Ecology Boards
Over the course of three workshops run by Goldsmiths art students, Conisborough College pupils created artwork inspired by the Horniman and its collections. They reflected upon their own connection to nature, as well as climate and ecological issues.
The Goldsmiths art students used the work created by the Conisborough pupils to design five art boards. The boards explore the themes of sustainability and climate action.
See the results of this partnership on display in the Horniman Gardens throughout the summer.
Conisborough College
Conisborough College is a secondary school in Lewisham. The students who attend the school bring with them a diversity of experiences and backgrounds – both socially and culturally – and the school community is built on the strengths of this local diversity. This project gave year 9 and 10 art pupils the opportunity to play an active part in their local community, and the chance to motivate and inspire others through their artwork.
Finlay Forbes Gower
Finlay’s work comes from a personal embodied enquiry into how she connects with place; the human and non-human other. Her work often takes the form of poetry, performance and film and collaborative practises. She has a background in Theatre Design; Costume and Props and so storytelling forms a fundamental part of her art practise; looking for ways to connect and share experiences with others. Her modes of making draw on her interest in the sensuous, queer ecologies and phenomenology.
Benjamin Verdicchio
Benjamin Verdicchio is an artist who investigates relationships to place through its material and relational genealogies, resulting in installations, sculptures, performances, and workshops. Born in Montréal, he received his BFA from OCAD University, Toronto, and is currently working towards his studio-based MA in Art & Ecology from Goldsmiths, University of London.
Laura Buckle
Environmentally focused, Laura intends to generate awareness and action towards issues of global climate change. This socially engaged art practice takes on many forms to encourage, and inspire change from both communities and individuals. Researching environmental concerns, she presents her findings as an interweaving of art and ecology through practice, materials and experience. Creating sustainable solutions to protect our planet, and changing perspectives through the medium of art.
Sophie Hughes
Sophie Hughes is an artist whose work focuses on relationships between us and other animals through the lens of faith, science and art. Her work begins with simple questions posed to a wide range of minds, such as entomologists, faith leaders, artists and medicinal practitioners, drawing out stories which map our personal landscape and in turn our global landscape. She also runs a research archive into modern and contemporary Vietnamese art.
Becky Lyon
Becky Lyon is an art-ecologist of mixed English x Jamaican heritage from London. Her work explores how art practice can draw attention to our lively and animate ecology, illuminate the connections and interdependencies between matter and re-enchant our relationships with the living world. She’s interested in what it means for an artist to be a researcher and do the work of ecology. Her work takes multiple forms from spatial objects, ritual, participatory events, material experimentation, scent, digital image-making and words.
She has delivered events and walks for London National Park City, London Interdisciplinary School, Phytology, Soil Nexus and the DeGrowth Conference; is a member of the Bioart Coven where she convenes monthly New Moon Gatherings and hosts EARTHSHAPES a series of offerings following the wheel of the year in the British Isles through art-inspired practice. She has an MA Art & Science from Central Saint Martins and is currently studying MA Art & Ecology at Goldsmiths University where she is re-bodying with London’s forest ecologies.