
Printed chapbook made of paper, printed in ink. The illustrations have been hand-coloured with paint. The book is entitled 'The Comic Adventures of Old Mother Hubbard and her Dog.' It is inscribed in the inside front cover: 'This book belonged to her uncle Garnault Bowles. For Caroline Elizabeth Treacher. May 1838', and below this 'For Miriam Garnault Griffin.' Opposite the title page is printed in copper plate script: 'To J.B. Esq. M.P. County of ----- at whose suggestion and at whose house these notable Sketches were designd [sic] this volume is with all suitable deference Dedicated by his Humble Servant S. C. M. 1805.'

Collection Information

These objects are only a part of our collections, of which there are more than 350,000 objects. This information comes from our collections database. Some of this is incomplete and there may be errors. This part of the website is also still under construction, so there may be some fields repeated or incorrectly formatted information.

The database retains language taken from historical documents to help research. Please note that some records may feature language and reflect systems of thinking that are outdated and offensive. The database also includes information on objects that are considered secret or sacred by some communities.

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