war coat

War coat made from a bearskin decorated with feathers, shells and beadwork. The bearskin has an aperture which has been formed for the wearer's neck, trimmed with red fabric, with the two ends of the skin hanging down front and back. The shorter end of the skin, worn at the front, has a patch of additional bearskin covering the place where the bear's head would have been. A shell disc with serrated edge is attached at each side. The other end of the skin, worn behind, is longer and is covered with rows of hanging hornbill feathers. Below the neck opening is a flap of beadwork in a pattern of V shapes in pink, white, pale blue and black beads, the lower edge ending in points. Each feather in the rows covering the bearskin below hangs from a short strand of similar beads and a wrapped strip of the same red fabric as is used to trim the neck opening. The edge of the bearskin is also trimmed along most of its length with this fabric. From shoulder to bear's tail measures 880mm; from shoulder to other end of skin 500. Width at shoulders approx 500mm.

Collection Information

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