canoe (water transport: accessories)

Plank built canoe with each side constructed from two courses of tapering planks and the base similarly constructed. Where the planks butt they are pierced and stitched together with coconut fibre cordage and this is overlaid with a semicircular ridge of parinarium gum. This gum is inlaid with triangular tesserae of chambered nautilus shell. The outside of the lower board on each side is painted with a parallel vertical lines and the upper board on each side at the prow is covered with a fretwork image of a Bonito. Both the prow and stern rise gracefully into a plain square figurehead which are each topped with a substantial plume of cassowary feathers. The prow piece is broken and needs repair.

Collection Information

These objects are only a part of our collections, of which there are more than 350,000 objects. This information comes from our collections database. Some of this is incomplete and there may be errors. This part of the website is also still under construction, so there may be some fields repeated or incorrectly formatted information.

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