buildings: component

House pillar. 3 distinct vertical parts. The lower part is carved on four sides (“la patru dungi”). “Fusul stîlpului” (the column) is the central part of the pillar, with octagonal section. It is thicker in the middle, ornamented with the chisel to form a zigzag pattern, running in superimposed rows all along the column called “scara pisicil” (the cat’s ladder). The upper part has the shape of a pear cut in four, showing along the lateral parts prominent cuts made with the chisel, and called “lilieci atîirnaţi” (suspended bats). (Oak wood). Total length 1710mm, Length of ornamented part 1090mm, maximum width 120mm.

Typical of the Jiul de Sus area (northern part of the Craiova Region), very common in old houses.

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