"A Dancing Girl from Khorezm"

Glove puppet of 'A Dancing Girl from Khorezm' (Khorezm, Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan) from the story of Aladdin. The puppet has a gourd head with pointed ears, an aquiline nose, large eyes, arched eyebrows, a small mouth, a yellow complexion, and has hair in six black plaits. She is dressed in a purple and tinsel headdress, consisting of a band of fabric with no top, which is decorated in the centre with a feather and attached to a gauze scarf in white florals on a black, purple and white ground which flows down the back of the puppet. She wears a long, faux-ikat dress with long sleeves; a blue trim around the neck and purple, velvet cuffs.

This puppet (as mentioned) is one of several (2001.184; 2001.185; 2001.186; 2001.187; 2001.188) which are used in the 'Aladdin' story. The 'Aladdin' puppets from Samarkand are different to 'Aladdin' puppets from Khiva however. The differences may reflect greater European and Russian influences.

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