
A tenor horn in E-flat (high pitch).Boosey & Co. model A47. Brass tubing with silver plating. Three Périnet valves. Bell inscription (which is surrounded by floral decoration) reads: Tenortone/SOLBRON/(REGISTERED)/CLASS A/TRADEMARK/BOOSEY/BOOSEY & Co. Ltd/MAKERS.LONDON/137000/British Throughout. Casing of second valve is stamped: TRADEMARK/BOOSEY/107392. Original music card holder survives. Lacks mouthpiece.

This horn was completed in 1932 and was one of the last instruments to be produced under the Boosey & Co. name. The merger of Boosey & Co. with Hawkes & Son took place in 1930, but the newly formed Boosey & Hawkes retained the established Boosey & Co. name for many instruments produced in its early years. The workshop order book for this instrument reads: Date given out: 21st Feb. 1930; 'Date received: 11th Mar. 1930; No. of piston: 107392; No. of instrument: 137000; Description: E flat tenor (cut to 75 3/4" 15th Jan. 1931); Plating: Simmons 3rd June 1932; Model: A47; Charged to Regent Street: 8th June 1932; Polisher: D. Hawes 19th March 1930; Grinder: Stretton 23rd Dec. 1930; Workman's name: Maddrew'; The instrument was one of an order of six, which required 99 man-hours at a rate of 1s. 1 1/2d. The wage bill for the construction of the six horns was £8.10d.

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