tea brick (currency & wealth)

Tea brick, rectangular in a brown paper wrapper with printed inscriptions in red in Chinese and Uigur script. On the front of the packet, with the circular motif, the inscriptions are as follows. The inscription on the first horizontal axis “安化, ān huà” is the abbreviation of the name of the manufacturer. The green character “茶, chá” in the centre of the tea brick means tea. The inscription “特制, tè zhì” in Simple Chinese underneath can be translated as “specially made”. This is followed by the inscription “保健符砖” in Simple Chinese which literally means health tea brick. Then, the place Turfan city in Xinjiang (province) where the tea brick was made can be seen from the inscription “新疆吐鲁番, xīn jiāng tǔ lǔ fān” in Simple Chinese. The inscription “安化保健茶厂, ān huà bǎo jiàn chá chǎng” in the last horizon axis is the name of the manufacturer. On the reverse of the packet is a description of how the tea brick was made, what ingredients the tea brick consists of and what are the healing effects on people. The larger characters “保健符砖说明, bǎo jiàn fú zhuān shuō míng” in Simple Chinese can be translated as ‘description of the health tea brick’. This is followed by a paragraph written in Simple Chinese: “本品以优质黑毛茶为主,采用科学配方加碘、杜仲等微量元素,经机制加工而成。本品保持着传统符砖茶松紧均匀、香味醇正的风格,又有预防 “甲亢” 等地方病的药物作用。”, which can be pronounced as “běn pǐn yǐ yōu zhí hēi máo chá wéi zhǔ,cǎi yòng kē xué pèi fāng jiā diǎn、dù zhòng děng wéi liàng yuán sù,jīng jī zhì jiā gōng ér chéng。běn pǐn bǎo chí zhe chuán tǒng fú zhuān chá sōng jǐn jūn yún、xiāng wèi chún zhèng de fēng gé,yòu yǒu yù fang “jiǎ kàng” děng dì fāng bìng de yào wù zuò yòng.” The paragraph can be translated as: “this product is made of high-quality raw dark green tea, which consists of iodine, Eucommia ulmoides and other trace elements. The tea brick was traditionally made. It has a good texture and fragrance. In addition, it also has healing effects on people who have Hyperthyroidism and other local diseases.” The larger characters below this paragraph again give the place where the tea brick was made and the name of the manufacturer “新疆吐鲁番市安化保健茶厂, xīn jiāng tǔ lǔ fān shì ān huà bǎo jiàn chá chǎng” in Simple Chinese. The two red Chinese characters “安化, ān huà” on the side of the wrapping paper, with a black overstamp, give the name of the manufacturer. The two red Chinese characters “保健, bǎo jiàn” on the other side of the wrapping paper literally mean ‘health care’.

Collection Information

These objects are only a part of our collections, of which there are more than 350,000 objects. This information comes from our collections database. Some of this is incomplete and there may be errors. This part of the website is also still under construction, so there may be some fields repeated or incorrectly formatted information.

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