His Majesty (George III) and the Officers of State receiving the Turkish Ambassador

Print entitled 'His Majesty (George III) and the Officers of State receiving the Turkish Ambassador'. To His Grace The Duke of Leeds, Governor of the United Turkish Company This Plate of His Majesty and the Officers of State Receiving The Turkish Ambassador and Suit Is humbly Dedicated by His Grace’s most devoted Servant; Danl. Orme. Painted by M. Brown Historical Painter to their R.H. the Duke & Duchess of York. Engraved by D. Orme Historical Engraver to his Majesty and his R.H. the Prince of Wales. Sold and Published January 1. 1797 by Edward Orme Junr. No 25 Conduit Street Hanover Square. For the Proprietors. Stipple and etching 485 x 615mm 19 x 24 ¼ . Depicts George III sitting enthroned in coronation robes, receiving the Turkish embassy. The foremost Turk bows low, holding out a sealed packet, introduced by the Lord Chancellor and Master of Ceremonies behind him. Pitt and Lord Salisbury stand on the left. After Mather Brown (1761 – 1831), portrait and history painter born in Boston (America), who moved to England in 1781. He was a pupil of Benjamin West. Principal figures, including ‘Chevalier Mavroudi, Derviche Effendi’, named below inscription.

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