Royal Canadian Mounted Policeman

Number 10 in a set of 25 cigarette cards entitled 'Picturesque People of the Empire' issued by Ogden's branch of the Imperial Tobacco Co. Ltd. There is a picture on one side with an inscription reading 'Royal Canadian Mounted Policeman', and a description on the other side. The text on the reverse reads: 'The R.C.M.P were organized to enforce law and order in the West, and soon became the advance-guard of civilization, their forts being centres of pioneer activity. The service was long and hard and often dangerous. A story is told of a sergeant and constable detailed to “move on” an Indian chief Pie-a-Pot. They gave him fifteen minutes notice to quit. While the chief sat quietly smoking, his braves jostled the policeman and fired rifles near their faces. When the time was up the sergeant kicked over all the tent-poles, commencing with that of the chief. After that Pie-a-Pot moved on.'

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