Canadian Trapper

Number 11 in a set of 25 cigarette cards entitled 'Picturesque People of the Empire' issued by Ogden's branch of the Imperial Tobacco Co. Ltd. There is a picture on one side with an inscription reading 'Canadian Trapper', and a description on the other side. The text on the reverse reads: 'The pursuit of fur-bearing animals in the vast solitudes of the frozen north and west has not only been a valuable source of revenue, but has played an important part in the development of Canada since the days of the old Hudson’s Bay Company, which was incorporated by Charles II as long ago as 1670. The most important pelts or skins taken at the present day are fox, muskrat, beaver, mink, marten, coyote and otter. In the year 1923-4 the total value of the pelts taken exceeded three million sterling.'

Collection Information

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