Red Indian.

Number 19 in a set of 25 cigarette cards entitled 'Picturesque People of the Empire' issued by Ogden's branch of the Imperial Tobacco Co. Ltd. There is a picture on one side with an inscription reading 'Red Indian', and a description on the other side. The text on the reverse reads: 'The aboriginal inhabitants of America were termed Indians by Columbus, who was under the impression that the islands he had discovered were part of India. Some 170 tribes of N. American Indians have been identified, but several of these have been wiped out and others much reduced by disease and tribal wars. Under more favourable conditions, however, some of the tribes are now steadily increasing, and the best of the Indians compare favourably in wealth and industry with their white fellow-citizens. In 1921, there were over 110,000 Indians living in the Dominion of Canada.'

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