cigarette card

Cigarette card with a colour image of a man with three baskets with a chicken in each balanced on a stick over his shoulder and carried in his hand, entitled 'Buy my Fat Chickens'. Text on reverse reads: ' In 1274, Edward I. issued the following statute for the regulation of the trade in Poultry in the city of London: “That no Huckster of fowl go out of the city of London to meet them that bring Poultry in , but buy in the city after the buyers of the King, and of the Barons, &c., have bought what shall be needful, namely after 3 o’clock.” This statute fixed the following prices: the best Hen ½ d., the best Pullet 1 ¾ d., &c. Our picture shows an itinerant poultry dealer of the 18th century, with his birds carried in wicker cages slung from a pole. ' Number 15 in a set of 25 cigarette cards entitled 'Cries of London'. Issued by John Player & Sons, a branch of the Imperial Tobacco Co. Ltd.

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