
Amuletic parcel (pananga), which is an example of a repellent (panulak). It consists of a small cloth pouch, made in January 2014, that contains seven specific herbal plants and roots which act as a protection against poison, curses and black magic. Philippines.

This amulet was made by the Filipino healer Sario Langi. He inherited the knowledge of which seven plants to put in the pananga from spirits, who appear to him in visualisations. The healer collected and prepared the medicines for the pouch, and said prayers to the spirits as he prepared it. His wife, Pina, sewed it together. There are two pieces of each of the following seven plants inside: 1. Sumpa Balik 2. Pi Balik 3. Panawar 4. Pangararat 5. Gintapo 6. Pangrarag 7. Bisurut.

Pananga are usually tied round a patient’s waist by a string. Some have prohibitions attached to them. For example you are not able to wear them when travelling on mechanical modes of transportation, as they cause metal to pull apart. As a protective measure, the pananga should be tapped seven times.

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