mask (dance & live theatre)

Carved and painted wooden sickness mask. It has a white face with puffy cheeks, and the face is entirely covered in black spots. The majority of the hair is in one single black painted block, on the top of the flat head. It has a fairly narrow forehead. The eyes are deep set and indicated by narrow slits. The lower lashes are indicated by black paint underneath. Above the slit, the small right eye is indicated in black paint; the left eye seems to have been gouged out. There is a black semi-circular line above each eye, and above this the eyebrow is indicated in black paint. Between the eyebrows is a black flame-like shape. The nose is fairly flat. The nostrils are indicated by two recesses. The mouth is slightly lop-sided, with four squarish black teeth, indicated in the carving, and lips painted red. At the base is a flat chin. The paint has worn away at the end of the tip of the nose.

There is no leather strap inside for a dancer to grip, and the mask is not the right type to sell to tourists; It was possibly used to to exorcise disease.

Collection Information

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