picture (art)

Scroll from a set, painted with a floral design in black and white, with an inscription near the bottom. The scroll has a patterned brown border. A string is attached at the top, and at the bottom the scroll terminates in a wooden baton. The right column of the inscription reads東坡論書法,剛健含婀娜,用之以寫氣,可乎抑不可, which roughly means ‘when it comes to calligraphy, Don Po thinks that the brushwork of the best work should be both robust and gentle at the same time; but when it refers to presenting the energy flow (the Chinese ‘Qi’) of a work, I doubt whether this concept is appropriate.’ 東坡 ‘Don Po’ is the pseudonym of 蘇軾 ‘Su Shi’ (his real name, January 8, 1037 – August 24, 1101), a famous Chinese writer, poet, painter, calligrapher, pharmacologist, gastronome, and a statesman of the Song dynasty. This painting was made by 白雲鄉人‘bai yun xiang ren’, which means ‘the man from the village of clouds’. This is probably another pseudonym of 賀祝堯 ‘He Zhu-Yao’ , the artist who painted some of the others in this set, because the drawing and writing styles are both almost the same as 4667i &4667ii.

Collection Information

These objects are only a part of our collections, of which there are more than 350,000 objects. This information comes from our collections database. Some of this is incomplete and there may be errors. This part of the website is also still under construction, so there may be some fields repeated or incorrectly formatted information.

The database retains language taken from historical documents to help research. Please note that some records may feature language and reflect systems of thinking that are outdated and offensive. The database also includes information on objects that are considered secret or sacred by some communities.

If you have any further information about objects in our collections, can suggest corrections to our information or if you see content requiring immediate action, please contact us: enquiry@horniman.ac.uk