Folding album, parabaik, with painted and illuminated illustrations of an event from Burmese 19th century history in which the crown prince was assassinated. 10 openings. There is a title on the album cover which translates as: 'The affairs that happened in the year [Burmese era] 1228'. To the far left, the king escapes on horseback, accompanied by some of his guards. Some of the court ladies prepare to follow. In the foreground of folio 3 and 4, some of the guards still inside the palace defend the building. In folio 5 and 6, hand to hand fighting goes on in the foreground while Prince Myingon slays the king’s brother. The red, white and blue jackets of the palace soldiers indicate rank. In folio 7 more supporters of the traitors attack members of the palace from horseback. In folio 8, loyal palace guards flee. In folio 9 the king’s brother is on the left, while the king’s sons pay their respects. In folios 13 - 16 the king’s brother goes to the palace. In folios 17 – 20 (photo 28) the two princes, Myingon and his brother, plot to kill their uncle.