Rectangular carved and painted wooden book cover depicting three figures, each on a painted plinth set above a pillar within a niche. To either side of each pillar is a quadruped, painted white; those below the two deities at the centre and left face away from the pillar, while those below the deity on the right, possibly snow-lions, turn back to face one another. To left and right of each plinth is a rampant quadruped, facing in similar directions to those below.The two flanking the central deity are painted pink. Above the central four-armed figure of Prajnaparamita, two of her hands together in prayer, is a Garuda head; the two deities to either side, Manjusri on the left, are topped by a kirtimukha. The background is filled with a cloud-scape. The border carving is highlighted with red and blue paint. The cover retains the remains of gilding with polychrome detailing.
Travelling monks and lamas would carry their most important scriptures bound with wooden covers like these to protect from wear and tear.