Community Commentary by Akinwale Fadoju within research project: 'Rethinking Relationships and Building Trust around African Collections' 2021
This photograph was taken on the occasion of Princess Alexandria’s visit to St Anne’s school, Ibadan where the student staged a play in her honour.
Princess Alexandra represented the Queen when Nigeria gained its independence from the United Kingdom on October 1, 1960, and on October 3, 1960 opened the house of parliament in Lagos. Thereafter she departed Lagos for Ibadan to begin official visit to the Western Region in continuation of the independence celebrations.
Here, in the photograph, she sits with other dignitaries and officials of the Western region government watching a performance by the girls of St Anne’s school, Molete, Ibadan.
A coloured rug is spread on the floor where the Princess and other dignitaries sit, in the area where Princess Alexandra sits a specially made fabric, probably Adire textile, is laid over the rug.
Community Commentary