Seven scripts from Associated Rediffusion Limited's television series Tuesday Rendezvous. The scripts contain the times and dates of rehearsals, sound checks and breaks during preparation for broadcast, a cast list including Eric McGavin, Muriel Young and Bert Weedon & Group and a schedule of programme segments such as musical performances and Eric McGavin’s 'Musical Instruments' slot. File contains scripts for editions of the show broadcast on the following dates: 1 January 1963, 5 February 1963, 19 February 1963, 5 March 1963, 2 April 1963, 16 April 1963 and 30 April 1963. Also enclosed are loose notes written (possibly in Eric McGavin’s handwriting) on lined paper and the back of a television script listing quotes and facts related to music and musical instruments. These may have been McGavin’s notes written in preparation for his appearances on the show.
Scripts from 'Tuesday Rendezvous'
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