Edeophone. English system. Serial number 38694 [Wayne's catalogue has '28694' in error]. Inset silver plaque: 'The Edeophone, Lachenal & Co., London WC.' And inset plaque on left-hand: '38694.' 7.25" diameter twelve sided raised ebony ends, bevelled, fancy fretwork, action is stamped 'Rd. 129662' and has circular label around bowing valve: 'Lachenal & Co.'s bowing valve, patent no. 8290.' 65 keys: left-hand 31 + lever, right-hand 32 + lever. The levers control the bowing valves and are long ivory keys. The rest are domed aluminium, bushed. Black leather thumb straps, with Lachenal strap clips engraved: 'The Edeophone, Lachenal & Co., London WC.' Five-fold black leather bellows, stamped in gilt 'rd 129662', and similar inside. Round end aluminium bedded steel reeds, top not of right-hand is inset into action board, pans have very large central hole and are stamped 'Rd 129662.'