
Drum kit made in a stylised art deco design. The bass drum is octagonal and is fitted with a pedal, muffler, two wheels (with brakes) and a trap rail (stamped: "Pat App No 17979/37"). It also has fittings for the side mounted tom toms and snare drum. The snare drum mount is stamped: "The Prince Model, Carlton Percussion Instrument Co". Two swan neck mounts are attached to the trap rail, each supporting a suspended cymbal. The trap rail also houses four green temple blocks, each attached with a screw fitting. An additional fitting is screwed to the top of bass drum with a cow bell and sizzle cymbal stamped: "Zyn". The Zyn cymbal is not original; it replaces a ride cymbal that originally occupied this position. Tenor and alto tom toms, each marked: "Carlton Super". The snare drum has a snare release mechanism. The kit also includes a pair of wooden drum sticks, a pair of wire brushes with rubber handles and three additional single sticks.

Filming of the drum kit (in situ) with spoken commentary by MWaitzman done on 8 June 2022. Bloomberg film.

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