
Idioglottal transverse clarinet. Bamboo stick with two nodes at the top and middle and a flared opening at the bottom from have been cut off close to a third node. Tube is open at both ends. Reed is formed from a section cut from near the proximal end, which has a square end (facing down the instrument) and is approx 4x60 mm. threads are tied round the body in two places, below the reed and near the bottom. Another short thread is tied above the reed.

In her article 'The Traditional Musical Instruments of Nigeria' published in 1950, the collector, Mercedes Mackay, notes that while the velang, horizontal clarinets 'are being played the musicians are often dancing in a circle, or marching through the bush. A drummer stands in the centre of the circle, and sometimes there are also dancers and fetish men with rattles or rush anklets.' (Nigerian Field, 15 [3], p. 127).

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