412.132-62 Sets of free reeds with flexible air reservoir

English-system. Serial number 165. Oval silver plaque label: 'By His Majesty's Letters Patent, 165, C. Wheatstone '. 5.31" diameter flat amboyna wood ends, simple fretwork, much restored. 38 ivory buttons, 19 each side. Black accidentals, red Cs, and white keys note-stamped. Original green leather straps, with nickel screws. Leather-clad finger rests, with curved ends. Ends are flush action to bellows frame, but with the end fretwork inset to the end frame. Four-fold green leather bellows, with embossed gold star papers. The pan cradle is a continuous shelf within the bellows frame, rather than six triangular supports. The pan is secured to the action board by a screw and ebony cross piece across the reed pan hole. Square-end brass reeds of unusually slim and pointed form. Pan and beds are stamped with note names. Action has complex brass levers and pivots, with steel leaf springs. Bone pallets, screwed to flat ends of levers with note names on adjacent action board.

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