Anglo-German system. Serial number 3506. 1857. Oval paper label: 'Factory Hollingworth St, St James Rd, Holoway. Rock Chidley, Manufacturer, London.' 6.38" diameter flat mahogany ends with 3 small fretted areas. White leather backing in 3 pieces, only one piece in each end remains. 21 keys: 10 each side + 1 air. Broad flat bone, stamped 1-10. Air valve operates a rod and sprung flap. Later leather straps, secured on mahogany hand bars with nickel plate and clip, one brass screw. Four-fold green leather bellows with gold star papers. Round-end mixed brass and steel reeds, radial pan labelled in ink: '10/57 R.3506' and stamped 'Rock Chidley, 135 High Holborn, London.'