Prototype single action English concertina. Serial number 2019. Oval paper label: 'By Her Majesty's Letters Patent, Wheatstone & Co, Inventors, 20 Conduit St, Regent St, London.' [Note: previous description read 'By His Majesty's…' - to be checked.] 6.19" diameter flat mahogany ends, simple frets and pine backing. 48 ivory buttons with black accidentals, stamped and bushed, the original vent hold amongst the buttons on the action has been sealed. Remains of black leather straps, one nickel screw remains. Three rectangular hinged portions: one central portion feeding two adjacent wind chests, each spring loaded. This would enable legato playing even though the instrument was single action. The damaged bellows have gold star papers. Square-end brass reeds. The pan hole has its ebony cross strut and traces of a leather valve flap, in use before the conversion to sprung bellows. Instrument bearing a standard Wheatstone production number (2019) has been prepared as a single action concertina with special valves and a wind chest within the elaborate hinged and spring loaded bellows. Designed to enable legato playing in a single action instrument.