Prototype keyed monochord aeolian harp. The single gut string is set into vibration by a stream of air supplied by a pair of hand-pumped bellows and an assembled wind chest. The string is fretted by horn wedges on spring loaded fittings, which are in turn controlled by the keys on the 14 note keyboard. A paper-mache trumpet projects the sound, and a foot control alters the overall tension of the string, permitting a gliding and variable pitch to be produced. Rosewood veneered and purfled case, with lockable keyboard and sounding box covers. With repairer's printed label on the underside of the keyboard case dated 1976 'ACTION FREED & CLEANED/LUBRICATED WITH TALLOW/ --- (illegible) SHUTTLEWORTH/41 MORNINGSIDE/ EARLSDON, COVENTRY/ Tel. (0203) 76721 Part of Wheatstone's research on the production of musical sounds using single strings kept in oscillation by currents of air.