Accordeon by Busson, Paris. No serial number. Oval stamps on right-hand: 'Busson Brevete Paris,' and 'J Hoyland, 23 & 25 Bow St, Sheffield.' Oval ink stamp under action and on pan: 'W Winrow & Son, Accordeon Makers, etc, Hollow Stone, Nottingham.' 15.12" x 5.25" diameter rosewood veneer ends, and scalloped recesses all bound with brass prufling. Left-hand has large fancy nickel spoon air valve and two articulated levers, one with cage. Four brass feet on hand frame. Right-hand has 24 square pearl keys (12 on each row), with 26 round pearl pallets. Five-fold leather-edged bellows with gaudy silvered papers. Brass beds, broad brass tongues, simple riveted.