Baritone concertina. English system. Serial number 543 (label, pans, bellows), 545 (ends). Oval paper label: 'Joseph Scates, Manufacturer, 26 College Green, Dublin.' Inner right-hand parchment baffle has manuscript inscription: 'leather coverings and double sound boards invented by Joseph Scates,' signed in ink. 7.25" diameter flat rosewood ends, simple fretwork, white leather backing, left-hand has some veneer absent and woodworm damage. 48 keys: 24 each side, tall bone ivory buttons, black accidentals, bushing felts are absent, and some buttons are damaged. Remains of green leather straps, and two small nickel screws are in the box of loose parts with this item. Five-fold green leather bellows with gold star papers, silk reinforcement on lower end frames, leather mounted green parchment baffles are mounted in each end of the frames, with small triangular air hole. Square-end nickel reeds.