English system. Serial number 6831. Oval paper label: 'By Her Majesty's Letters Patent, C. Wheatstone, Inventor, 20 Conduit St., Regent St., London.'; 6.19" diameter flat rosewood ends, floral brass corner inlays, bevelled, with white leather backing. 48 keys: 24 each side. Silver-capped nickel.; Gilt embossed green leather straps with nickel screws. Five-fold green leather bellows, fully gilt embossed with green gold papers, one with label: 'Wheatstone & Co. Inventors and Pantentees, 20 Conduit St., Regent St., London.' Repairer's date in ink in bellows: '12.7.84'. Round-end brass reeds with circular pan label: 'Wheatstone & Co.'