Bass concertina. English system, single action (playing only when bellows are pressed) and with acoustically linked chambers. No serial number. Oval paper label: 'By Her Majesty's Letters Patent, C. Wheatstone, Inventor, 20 Conduit St., Regent St., London.' 7" diameter x 9.38" long [? 7" x 9.38" octagonal sides, not length across bellows] 'stretched octagon' shape. Thick flat rosewood ends, simple, bevelled, matt pine boards, chamfered. 51 keys: 26 left-hand, 25 right-hand, ivory with black accidentals, plain (27 missing). Left-hand strap and metal missing, right-hand leather strap, one nickel screw. Five-fold green leather bellows with gold star papers. Two pairs of valve holes in each bellows frame, four pairs in bellows folds. Large square-end brass reeds screwed onto underside of action board.