Printing block and sample. The printing block is used to print wind horse charms (Lungta parshing [rlung rta dpar shing]). The block is made from wood with the image and writing in relief and mirror. The sample is made from card. The front depicts the image from the printing block, but is not a perfect image. The back depicts other partial prints from different blocks.
Wood block for printing wind horse prayer flags. Tibetan cultural area. This woodblock would have been used for printing Lung ta or wind horse prayer flags. At its centre is the supreme horse Bhala, bearing three flaming jewels on its back. The wind horse is a symbol of speed and the transformation of bad fortune to good fortune. The three flaming jewels symbolise the Buddha, the Dharma (Buddhist teachings) and the Sangha (Buddhist community): the three cornerstones of the Tibetan philosophical tradition. On each corner of the block is the first syllable of the four powerful animals, also known as the Four Dignities: tiger (top left), Lion (top right), garuda (bottom left) and dragon (bottom right). Wood blocks like this example could feature versions of approximately 400 traditional mantras or prayers, each dedicated to a particular deity. This woodblock displays mantras relating to BhagyaSri, Avaloketesvara, Vajrasattva and the Goddess Tara. Typically prayers for the person who mounts the flags are included in prayer flags and this example contains a prayer which seeks, “The enhancement of good health, longevity, power and success to the one named”, followed by a space to write one’s name.