Hanging scroll painting, ink and colour on silk. It depicts a military form of Cai Shen, the God of Wealth, seated in the middle dressed in full armour, holding a banner in his right hand and a squirrel in his left hand. Next to him are two ministers, Xiao Sheng and Zao Bao, also known as He-He. The minister on the right is in the dress of a civil official and is holding a balance with a gold ingot placed on one pan and a rectangular block placed on the other pan. The minister on the left is in the dress of a military official and is holding a tray filled with gold ingots. All three figures have haloes surrounding their heads. Behind the God of Wealth is a dragon and on each side a flaming pearl.
The God of Wealth is venerated by both poor and rich people at Chinese New Year. He is particularly popular with gamblers and merchants. The military form of the God of Wealth was venerated by all manual traders in the old days.