Knotted and plaited leather pumpkin sling.
‘Wellcome’ catalogue card information found in archives of the Department of Africa, Oceania and The Americas at The British Museum on 5 October 2016 by Alison South. Scanned copy of card in ‘Wellcome’ section of the Horniman Historical files Accessions No. (Stores) 128, 636 Classification AA Group Section HH Initials in top right hand corner W.H.M.M. Description of object SLING Leather, plaited and knopped. To take a pumpkin, and used in ceremonial rite now discontinued. Bolivian Indian. 116� long X 6� wide. Bought of St. 835/14 & 15/x/30. (Mr. Webb). Value £4.0.0. At present AC 3893 Case No. To be placed K.