Model figure of a man displaying leg tattoo designs by raising the leg of his trousers. The figure is wearing a white upper garment (unpainted) with a stippled effect achieved by rough piercing of the surface. He is wearing wide black trousers, the left leg of which is lifted over the knee to show his tattoos, painted in black. There is a bag slung over his right shoulder, painted with vertical stripes in pink and green. There is a wide-brimmed hat hung at his back, which is unpainted. A carved headdress is indicated as two rolls of fabric wound around the head with a piece hanging down at the back. The headdress has small areas of gold painted on. The figure has green sandals painted on.
This is probably a standard figure painted to indicate an ethnic group, but which group is uncertain. The tattoo pattern painted on is not realistic, and was probably added by an artist working from written instructions who had never seen representatives of this ethnic group or their tattoos.