This club is an example of a Fijian culacula which has been heavily damaged on both sides of the blade. On one side of the blade the serrated spur has been removed and the profile plained down to crate a convex blade. On the other side damage to the upper part of the blade has been concealed by re cutting a concave edge making this piece unique in having a wave like profile. At the butt the shaft has been engraved by a Tongan artist making the piece an extremely interesting item. The original description would have read;
Paddle club of bell shaped profile with a heavy transverse reinforcing ridge across both faces. The lower section of the blade is carved into a number of rectilinear serrations. The handle is of ovate section and tapers to a flattened dome pommel. The name culacula refers to the blade serration and draws similarities to the spiked shell of a certain species of crab.