Sword guard, tsuba. Round shape (Maru gata). Seven small cut-outs. Three apertures (Nakago-ana, Kozuka Hitsu-ana, Kogai Hitsu-ana). On one side is depicted a samurai on horseback and the face of a samurai above. A tower at top left. Two samurai, one facing and the other showing back of his head at top right. Two samurai, one facing and the other showing back of his head behind a flag at bottom right. Two samurai, one facing and the other showing back of his head at bottom left. Detailing in gold. On reverse the smoking Mt Fuji at top. Horse's head and samurai back at top left. fence at top right. River and rock at bottom. Two samurai, one facing and the other showing his head at middle left. Detailing in gold. 760h x 700w.