Lacquered wooden Bugaku mask of dragon king. The mask is made of wood, lacquered black on the inside and mostly gold on the outside. Moustache formed of short bunches of bristle protruding from holes above the mouth. Winged crouching dragon on top of mask - the legs appear at either side of the mask, in front of large wings behind which are holes for cords. Four apertures, two for eyes, two for nostrils. Behind the eyes are ridges at either side, each with a small hole as if something was once attached there. Pointed nose. Heavily ridged eyebrows. Lower jaw, which would have been a separate piece, is missing. Six teeth in upper jaw. Black hair in ridges. Two-tiered flattish circular area at top of forehead, above which a dragon's head protrudes, with front legs and claws to either side. Accompanying card reads:'Mask of dragon king Matsi Uba.'