Earthenware bowl for a gourd water pipe. It is pale brown in colour with a wide, rimmed bowl,the edge is flat beneath the bowl, which graduates inwards to form a neck. This then graduates out slightly towards the bottom edge. There are incised designs over the surface, with 'zig-zags' around the rim, vertical lines beneath it and horizontal lines around the bottom edge. Between the two sets of lines are many groups of 5 and 6 short lines or dots. There is a large hole in the bottom which the stem slots into. This hole continues up into the base of the pipe, where it decreses in size. The rim and bottom edge are chipped.
There is an old display label with the object. Printed in black on white card which has been painted yellow, it reads: " Gourd, forming water-vessel and stem, with earthenware bowl. Arakan, Burma.