A red-figured kylix (drinking cup). It is a well potted cup of smooth red clay, ruddled, with good shiny black paint. The interior and exterior profiles frame a shallow wide bowl set on a low foot, a one piece vessel. The foot is spreading, with a small conical hollow. It has two large, angled handles. The vessel has decoration in red figure: the tondo features Aphrodite standing in front of Eros, who is winged and draped, and holds a mirror for Aphrodite. The feet of the figures are in a reserved dotted ground area. Much drapery detail has been added with thin, dilute paint strokes. Meander and chequered cross patterns form a band around the tondo. The exterior has black painted handles, with decoration in between on each side, of three youths dressed in himatia. Two of the figures talk to the third, facing him. In between their heads are red figure fillers, for example aryballoi, shields, balls, and cups. Large red figure palmettes and tendrils frame either side of the handles, and below the handles. The drawing is free, coarse, and hurried.