Being Kind to Yourself and Others

Get ready for this year’s Horniman Advent – one about love, kindness and wellbeing.

Each year, the Horniman shares objects throughout December for advent, sharing details about Christmas as it has been celebrated in other cultures or at different times.

In 2019 we wanted to try a different approach.

According to the Mental Health Foundation, 74% of UK adults have felt so stressed at some point over the last year they felt overwhelmed or unable to cope.

Everyday stresses can combine with holiday woes for some. People feel pressure relating to money, family, or feelings of loneliness and isolation. What better time to share stories, objects and facts about kindness and hope?

Kindness stimulates serotonin production, which contributes towards wellbeing and happiness. Being kind is linked to good health physically as well as good mental health. Research shows that engaging in acts of kindness produces endorphins, which are a natural painkiller. There is also evidence that committing acts of kindness can lower blood pressure, and even slow down the ageing process.

Please join us on Twitter, and we hope you enjoy our advent calendar of kindness – follow along with #HornimanAdvent.