One of two ceremonial painted dancing masks from Bali. Mask representing Rangda in her form as the smallpox demon, consisting of a carved and painted wooden face mask and an accompanying wig. The face mask is painted yellow with irregularly shaped patches outlined in red with stripes of orange and yellow surrounding the white interiors. The eyes are bulging with large round black pupils surrounded by circles of colour, and with apertures below them for the performer to look through. In the large ears are gold painted spiral earplugs. The mouth is open. White teeth, two fangs in the upper jaw, a row of red spots above the upper jaw line. Lips and nostrils painted red, tongue indicated in red paint above lower teeth. Strips of goat hide are attached above the eyes with bamboo pins to indicate eyebrows. Bare vestiges of hair in these. The mask is inscribed on the inside in Balinese and also in capital letters: SRI WALOE NATENG DIRAH (the identity of the character). The wig consists of what appears to be a basketry frame, lined on the inside with cotton fabric. From the top long strands of vegetal fibre, probably ijuk, to which are attached shorter pieces of fibre, serve as the hair. Some have been dyed green.

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