English system tenor-treble concertina. Serial number 28848. Inset scalloped plated plaque: 'C. Wheatstone & Co. Inventors, Patentees & Manufacturers, Concertinas and Aeolas, London.' 7 inches raised nickel plated metal ends, frets inset to bevelled ebony edge. 57 keys: 28 each side, with left-hand air release. Domed nickel, only one key remaining. Crude leather straps, no screws. Six-fold black leather bellows. Round-end steel reeds.
The following information is recorded regarding the production of this instrument in the ledgers of the Wheatstone & Co. concertina factory (http://www.horniman.info): 'July 1st(?) 1921' concertina production ledgers SD01, p.154. The concertina is classified according to the system of Hornbostel and Sachs as a 'set of free reeds, with flexible air reservoir and keyboard'.