Anglo-German system. No serial number. Oval paper label: 'Improved Concertina Manufacturer, Henry Harley, 22 Brunswick Place, City Rd, London.' 5.44" x 6.5" diameter thick rosewood endplates, two screws per end, bevelled, muslin backing, on right-hand fretwork in sides. 23 keys: 11 each side + 1 air lever (operates a rod onto sprung flat). Ebonised wood buttons, stamped 0-10 on ends. 4 absent, buttons on wooden levers, continental style. Plain leather straps, screwed and buckled onto mahogany hand bars. Six-fold green leather bellows with gilt edging. Reeds riveted on zinc plates. Stamped: 'Henry Harley, maker, London.' Broad steel tongues, fixed on underside of action. Continental style, action also stamped.