Bass theorbic cittern or archcittern. The sycamore body is of a distinctive, asymmetrical shape with the shoulder on the bass side extended almost to the level of the nut. The ribs slope outwards from the flat back. The belly is of pine, with a circular soundhole, in which is set a parchment rose. The table features multiple purfling around the edge of the soundhole. Eleven strings arranged into five double courses and one single are attached to the main pegbox. Five bourdons are attached to a theorbo-style upper pegbox. Total length 44 inches. Stamped under the rose: B Renault a Paris. Maker's label: RENAULT & Cie… rue de Braque au coin de la rue Ste Avoye à Paris 17…. Branded: S.B. RENAULT/A PARIS.
overall: 1140 x 345 x 160 mm: these measurements are given by the Documentation Section.