A figure of a man sitting on a board with his legs hanging over the edge. He is painted brown and has black fibrous hair and a moustache. He is wearing a beige loincloth and has a small piece of cloth on his left shoulder. His left arm is bent and he is holding a round black object with a small hole in the top. His right fist is on his knee and has a hole in the top. Beneath him is a piece of hessian and to his left is a square pole. At the bottom of this is a smaller piece of wood passing through at a right angle to form steps. A piece of twine is tied around the base of this, with the other end tied to a wooden object. This is round at the bottom and flat on the top with a hole in the centre. At the top of the pole, a piece of bamboo is attached with twine. The end of this bamboo fits perfectly into the hole in the wooden object. The head of the figure has broken off and rests on the torso on a piece of wire that passes through it.