We have revisited old photographs of the Gardens from the early 20th Century and it has been fascinating to find out what has changed, and what has remained largely the same.
The Bandstand and Terrace
All of the regular Horniman visitors will recognise the Bandstand and Terrace, home to numerous events as well as the Horniman Market. This photo was taken some time between 1903 – 1909. Overall, the space has changed very little over this time, save some Bandstand maintenance and additional picnic benches.
Digital reproduction of a photograph of Horniman bandstand and terrace 1903-1909
Dutch Barn
The Dutch Barn on the terrace was acquired by Frederick Horniman from the Netherlands in 1895, and remains in use in the present day. This is where you can now find a picnicking space if you bring your lunch from home, and also includes the Cafe kiosk, open at weekends.
Boating Lake
Did you know that the concrete football pitch at the bottom of the Meadow Field was once a boating lake?
This photograph taken circa 1910 depicts children playing at the boating lake with the old railway line visible in the background. What is now the Horniman Nature Trail linking London Road and Langton Rise/Westwood Park, was once part of the a now defunct rail network that extended into Sydenham Hill and Dulwich Wood.
As part of the Nature + Love project, this part of the Horniman Gardens will become a new cafe and play area for children. Over 100 years apart, we hope that children can enjoy the natural environment just the same!
Digital reproduction of a photograph of Horniman Gardens boating pond with railway in the background, circa 1910
The Avenue
Can you spot the differences between the entrance to the Horniman Gardens from London Road as pictured in 1910?
The avenue remains very familiar, but you might notice that the CUE Library is not visible. Built in 1996, the CUE was designed by local architects Architype using methods developed by Walter Segal to act as a conceptual and symbolic link between the Horniman’s collection and the natural world of the Gardens. The front gates have also been modernised. Some of the original houses on London Road that no longer exist are also visible to the side.
Digital reproduction of a photograph of the entrance to Horniman Gardens from London Road, circa 1910
Here is a snapshot of the Gardens from 1927. Can you place exactly where this might be?
Originally, the Gardens opened in 1898 with a Water Garden, a wishing seat, tennis courts and a putting green. Whilst this photo might be familiar to many, much has changed since 1927. Thanks to our dedicated Horticulture team over the years, this part of the Gardens is now the Conservatory, Cafe Terrace and Wedding Garden which sites between the two.
The Conservatory
Jumping forward 50 years or so, this photograph captures the Conservatory in its final days of construction in 1989. Despite still being in scaffolding, this picture was taken from the wreath laying ceremony of completion.
After being dismantled at Cliffe Coombe House, Croydon, in 1986, reconstruction of the Conservatory began in June 1987. The ambitious restoration project was completed in 1989, and the Conservatory officially opened in the Horniman Gardens in October of that year.
The Conservatory is now an iconic feature of the Horniman, home to many weddings, events and exhibitions.
Photograph of a wreath laying ceremony marking the completion of the restoration of Coombe Cliffe Conservatory at the Horniman Museum in 1989
Do you have any historic pictures of the Horniman Gardens? Share them with us on social or by email – web@horniman.ac.uk, we’d love to see them!